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HR Tips podcasts

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HR tools to share with employees, managers and executives to optimize teamwork. Our aim: to share tips, tricks and practical solutions to make life at work easier, and to help people work together more effectively. HR Tips is also a way of staying in touch with current HR issues and trends in the world of work, in the colors of the Annie RH Network, a concise, concrete and effective podcast.

Annie RH Network Podcasts

Image Bougez-vous assez au travail

Do you move enough at work?

A sedentary lifestyle at work can be as harmful as smoking, as the saying goes: “Seating is the new smoking”. Here’s how to incorporate some simple tips to get you moving more throughout the day.

Listen to the podcast | 6 minutes

Influencer avec des questions puissantes

Influence with powerful questions

Rather than wondering what to say to influence. Emphasis must be placed on the quality of the questions asked. These inspiring questions encourage reflection and lead others to find their own solutions.

Listen to the podcast | 5 minutes

Génération Z au travail

Generation Z at work: the keys to successful collaboration

What are the particularities of Generation Z in the professional world? How do you work effectively with this new wave of workers?

Listen to the podcast | 9 minutes

Balado Sommes-nous si occupés

Are we really that busy?

Constantly repeating that we’re busy is not without impact on our teams. Updating our expectations and refining our vocabulary helps to change our habits.

Listen to the podcast | 8 minutes

Balado quoi faire lorsqu'un collègue nous tombe sur les nerfs

What to do when a colleague gets on your nerves

There are always behaviors that get on our nerves: someone making disturbing noises, interrupting us, never saying hello… How do you approach these situations with tact?

Listen to the podcast | 9 minutes

Balado Civilité au travail

Civility in the workplace | a must and a non-negotiable

Civility in the workplace isn’t just a question of politeness and goodwill; it’s a legal obligation!

Listen to the podcast | 9 minutes

Balado PLANIFICATION STRATÉGIQUE Un accellérateur d'équipe

Strategic planning | a team gas pedal

Si you think a strategic planning exercise planning exercise should be It’s laborious and complex, but don’t be fooled! Whether you’re a work team, an SME or a large corporation, this exercise is a must for any business.ou could be profitable for you and be deployed simplement.

Listen to the podcast | 8 minutes

Balado DÉCONNEXION Définir nos règles d'équipe

Disconnection | Defining our team rules

Because protecting break times is directly linked to maintaining good mental health, it’s a good idea for team members to agree on rules to make it easier for everyone to disconnect.

Listen to the podcast | 8 minutes

Balado Travailleurs expérimentés

Experienced workers (60-69) | Are we doing enough to attract them to our organizations?

Economic indicators show that Quebecers aged 60-69 are under-represented in the labor market. How to attract and retain them in our organizations.

Listen to the podcast | 6 minutes

Balado Semaine de 4 jours

4-day week | 4 different approaches

Four approaches to the 4-day week coexist. Understanding the different options, their respective benefits and challenges, enables teams to choose the approach that’s right for them.

Listen to the podcast | 9 minutes

Balados RH 
Astuces RH
Réseau Annie RH

Are you tired? | Reducing fatigue at work

76% of Canadians say they are tired at work. There are different solutions for each of the 4 types of fatigue experienced in organizations.

Listen to the podcast | 7 minutes

Balado Gagner la confiance d'un collègue introverti

Interact (connect) with an introverted colleague or employee

8 tips for maintaining a rich relationship with an introverted colleague or employee and gaining their trust

Listen to the podcast| 9 minutes

Balado Quitter au bon moment

Why is it so difficult to leave at the right time?

“Quit” is a word that can generally refer to the notion of abandoning, which is a rather negative concept. What if quitting was right next to perseverance? What if it was something positive?

Listen to the podcast | 8 minutes

Balado Flexibilité-au-travail

Are you still doing 9 to 5? | Integrating flexibility into the workplace

Flexibility at work – what are the different approaches and how can we integrate management by objectives to manage and evaluate performance in a context of teleworking and varied schedules?

Listen to the podcast| 6 minutes

Balado Accueillir et intégrer un nouvel employé

Welcoming and integrating a new employee

Best practices to increase retention of new hires

Listen to the podcast | 15 minutes

Balado EDI Les essentiels

EDI (equity, diversity and inclusiveness) | the essentials

Debunking unconscious biases and unconsciously unfair management practices.

Listen to the podcast |9 minutes

Balado Pénurie de main d'oeuvre

Labour shortage – from figures to reality

Labour shortage – the figures in a nutshell. Everyone’s talking about it… but what does it really mean?

Listen to the podcast |5 minutes


CYNEFIN | understanding the problem to identify the right solution

Invented by IBM, this four-dial tool classifies challenges to identify the appropriate types (families) of solutions.

Listen to the podcast |9 minutes

Balado Absentéisme et fatigue au travail

Absenteeism and fatigue at work | new ceilings

19% increase in absenteeism from work over the past 5 years. 76% of Canadians say they are tired. How to reduce these indicators in our work teams.

Listen to the podcast |7 minutes

Balado Heureux au travail

Should we be happy at work?

Should we be happy or satisfied at work? What are the relevant indicators to monitor and the behavior expected of managers?

Listen to the podcast |7 minutes

Le monde du travail

The world of work in the coming years

Accelerating labor shortages, the predominance of generations Z and millennials, intensification of lA. What to expect over the next few years.

Listen to the podcast |8 minutes

Balado Quiet Quitting

Do people really Quiet Quit?

Quiet quitting – what does it really mean?

Listen to the podcast |9 minutes

HR Tips podcasts are available