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Slow down and manage better

Reconnaitre ses équipes au quotidien

Considering that we’ll be navigating the labor shortage for another decade, our teams need sustainable solutions to retain their talent. If you’ve come to the conclusion that doing more of what we’re doing now with fewer and fewer resources isn’t sustainable, then slow down to manage better become credible alternatives.

What a challenge! We’ve been trying to accelerate for centuries. The incessant quest to optimize our resources is part of our collective unconscious.

And if I say to you: ” Are you ready? At go, we slow down! “Not that easy! Where to start thinking differently? What are the criteria for making new choices that will enable us to humanize our approaches, and not just do as much as possible? What is the positive impact of slowing down on our results?


During the workshop, participants will be invited twice to reflect individually and collectively in sub-groups. Assisted by a placemat (size 11 x 18) and post-it notes, they’ll have to identify specific leads and can… steal their neighbor’s idea.

Participants will leave with

  • A tool to help you become aware of your beliefs and management reflexes (placemat)
  • A specific initiative to slow down and manage better (part of the interactive activity integrated into the workshop)
  • The essentials of a guide to protecting break periods (disconnection)
  • 2 ways to free up time for teams: identify episodes of over-quality and effectively revisit projects and work habits.